we are
laptopradiø is an experimental structure exploring the possibilities of radio networking and streaming, which seek to counter or supplement forms of public broadcasting through creating unique forms of collectivity.
At the same time we want to question and understand the parameters of radio’s historical, medial and aesthetical status, the notion of place, corporeality, social exchange, and the politics of information. What are the ideas behind concepts from modernist “Wireless Imagination” to “Radical Radio”?
LapTopRadio was originally developed in an academic context at HEAD-Genève (in the MFA program of the University of Art and Design Geneva) some fifteen years ago.
The different projects were each strongly based on collaborations with participants from different regions and diverse contexts.
Over the years, a considerable number of participants have been involved in the different projects, often returning to their places of origin to pursue their artistic practice and build their local networks. With them we have realized broadcasts in which the various participants have participated simultaneously live from the different regions. So far, that’s been pretty broad: Geneva, Zurich, Bern, Rome, Milan, Detroit, New York, Mexico City, La Paz, Amsterdam, Berlin, Paris, Dijon, Kyoto, Seoul, Taipei… and many rural places in the middle of nowhere.
Here you can download a page/pdf (600KB) with some of our most important projects.
Information about cooperation, partners and participants can be found here.
If you’re looking for Canale Milva, it is here: canale-milva.laptopradio.org
drop us a line!
Contact us: info[at]laptopradio.org
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